Charts panel
The Charts panel allows you to create groups of charts to visually track changes in different coins or to track changes in trends in the same coin. For example, you can make a group of one major coin and some alt coins to track the correlation between them, whether they move together, whether any of them lag behind. This way you can quickly enter into positon. Another possible group is a group of charts for the same coin, but on different timeframes. In this way, you can notice changes in the short-term trend compared to the long-term trend.
The Chart group menu is located in the upper left corner of the panel. Click on the group name and the menu will appear. You can create a new group or load an existing one, change the name of the currently loaded one, duplicate it or delete it.
In the upper right corner are the controls for the width and height of the charts. Adjust them to your preferences.
In the upper right corner are the controls for the width and height of the charts. Adjust them to your preferences.
For every chart in the group you can:
- change the coin-pair - click on the pair and type to search for a new one.
- - add an indicator to the chart.
- - remove the chart from the group.